Don’t Should on Me

A love letter to women’s reproductive rights

When Roe vs Wade was overturned a year ago, I was in Thailand, on a night
train, from Bangkok to Chiangmai without internet. I arrived at my hostel and
logged into the wi-fi to see a day that was vaguely hinted at could happen, but
I never truly believed would arrive. This was perhaps naivety or self-enforced
denial on my behalf. The signs were there. But, like many women in the US, I
was deeply deeply shocked this could happen in our ‘democracy’. That one of the
biggest nations in the world would regress 50 years overnight. And it didn’t
stop there. This last year has seen the fight to keep Mifepristone legal and
available, with big chain pharmacies such as Walgreens saying they would refuse
to carry it in 21 states, after threats from republican attorney generals.

In Wyoming there was near ban on Mifepristone, which was supposed to go into
effect July 1st, but which has been delayed while the ban is appealed. Although
it abortion is technically still legal in Wyoming, the ban would mean women
have to opt for the more invasive surgery and potentially facing protestors at
abortion clinics, when already in an incredibly vunerable state.

That is to say, this is a battle we cannot afford to stop being aware of,
and a fight we need to carry on fighting, by calling our representatives. On
this anniversary Kamala Harris led a speech in North Caroline vowing democrats
would protect women’s reproductive rights, but words arent’t enough. Around 350
new laws have gone into place this year diminishing these rights and they
cannot stay in place unless we want to see this country turn into a nightmare
of a handmaids tale. It’s not the people of the country that are behind this,
61% support keeping abortion legal according to a recent NBC Poll( see
), but rather the judges across the country that Trump helped get
elected before he left office.

On that note, I’m proud to be involved with Elly Kace’s new single, Don’t
should on Me, a song keeping the Roe vs Wade ruling in the forefront of our
minds. Elly’s single is available on Spotify today here, and she’s also created
t-shirts and totes ( with artwork by yours truly), for which all profits will
go towards a womens reproductive rights groups.


UPDATE: The womens march will be planning events On January 20th-21st 2024. To find an event near you click here

If you would like to petition facebook to stop censoring Abortion rights, Amnesty International has created a campaign here

Check out the Guardians’ coverage on the 1st anniversary of Roe vs Wade overturning here

Check out the single on Spotify and click here for t-shirts and bags to support reproductive rights.

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